Category: Team
Gino Vumbaca – Convenor
Gino Vumbacais the President of Harm Reduction Australia and was involved in the establishment of Pill Testing Australia, he is also Principal of 3V Consulting Services. Mr Vumbaca has extensive experience in the HIV/ AIDS and drug and alcohol fields both in Australia and internationally. He is a Churchill Fellow, has completed a Social Work…
Steph Tzanetis – Executive Officer
Steph was appointed as Executive Officer for Pill Testing Australia in 2023. Steph is a member of the Pill Testing Australia consortium that worked on the 2018 and 2019 ACT trials and is a Peer Educator working at CanTEST. She has qualifications in health law, humanities, alcohol and other drugs and addictive behaviours. Steph is…
Erica Franklin – Project Officer
Erica is a dedicated advocate for harm reduction with extensive experience in drug education and community outreach. She holds a degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice, and completed an honours thesis focused on the consumption patterns of novel and emerging psychoactive substances. Erica has worked for the NSW Users and Aids Association, National Drug and…